Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Vinegar and Listerine Foot Bath Test

     I'm sure by now most of you have seen the pin on Pinterest about soaking your feet in vinegar and Listerine. If you haven't come across this gem yet you can view it here. I was talking with one of the girls at my local nail salon about this and she wrinkled up her nose and said she didn't think it would work. So I decided to give it a try. Don't worry I'll be keeping the feet photos tasteful and to a minimum. By the way, did you know it's kind of difficult taking photos of your own heels...

Photo of my heel before soaking
     To make sure I had enough liquid to cover my foot I used a mixture of 4 cups warm water, 1 cup vinegar and, 1 cup Listerine. Then according to the directions, I soaked for 10 minutes. My daughter wanted to help me out with this little experiment and had to soak her feet too. She said the Listerine in the water tickled her feet and giggled the entire time. <3


     I have to say this isn't the miracle Pinterest makes it out to be but it did help. After drying my feet off and waiting 15 minutes to make sure my feet were completely dry this was the result...

Photo was taken after soaking and dry time
     The soak didn't remove everything but it did a pretty decent job. I have a feeling if Id used my pumice stone while soaking all the dead skin would have been removed. Or maybe even soaking for a little longer would have done the trick.  And here's a shot of the before and after for an easier comparison of the results.

      What do you think? Is this something you've tried yourself or are going to try now? Have you had good results with a different kind of foot soak?

     By the way, I feel I should tell you I do have 5 toes, my little one just decided to be camera shy today and I didn't notice it until I started putting this post together.

     As always thanks for stopping by. Id love to hear your thoughts about this. Please feel free to leave me a comment and Happy Polishing!

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